Nai Phuan Ong

Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics
Nai Phuan Ong
Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics
I attended Columbia College, NY, as an undergraduate majoring in Physics and obtained my Ph.D. in Physics at the University of California, Berkeley, where together with Pierre Monceau, we found the first example of a sliding charge density wave conductor (the trichalcogenide NbSe3). Following graduation, I joined the University of Southern California as an Assistant Professor in Physics. In 1985, I was recruited to Princeton University. I am a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences. My current research interests are the transport properties of topological quantum materials, quantum spin liquids, edge supercurrents in topological semimetals and 2D physics.
Awards, Honors, and Patents
- 1982, Alfred P. Sloan fellowship
- 1989, Fellow of the American Physical Society
- 1991, U.S. Patent No. 4,996.186 Flux Method for producing crystals of YBa2Cu3O7(with Z.Z. Wang.)
- 2003, Eugene Higgins Professorship, Princeton University
- 2006, Kamerlingh Onnes Prize for research accomplishments in high-Tc superconductivity (with S. Uchida and H. Takagi)
- 2006, Elected Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- 2010, Distinguished Lecture Series at the Lewiner Institute for Theoretical Physics
- 2011, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
- 2012, Board of Review Editors, Science Magazine
- 2012, Elected to the National Academy of Sciences
- 2014, Selected for Experimental Investigators in Quantum Materials award by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
- 2014, Listed, Thomas Reuters Highly Cited Researchers 2014
- 2020, Selected for Experimental Investigators in Quantum Materials award by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation