List of talks
- The chiral anomaly (Big Ideas Conference LaJolla, 2015)
- Princeton Summer School Lecture 1 Dirac and Weyl semimetals (2015)
- Princeton Summer School Lecture 2 QuantumAnomalousHallEffect (2015)
- Thermal Hall conductivity in Kagome magnet and in spin-liquid pyrochlore (Rutgers 2015)
- The chiral anomaly in Dirac semimetal Na3Bi (U. Minn. Workshop, 2015)
- Evidence for the chiral anomaly in a Dirac semimetal (APS March mtg, 2015)
- Classification and symmetry of 3D Dirac metals (Journal Club talk, 2015)
- Topological Insulators (WinterSchool NHMFL, Florida, 2014)
- Ultrahigh Mobility in Dirac Semimetal Cd3As2 (Stanford,Berkeley 2013)
- Review of Topological Insulator (MURI, 2013)
- Vortices and Quasiparticles in cuprates (Ringberg, 2011)
- Topological Insulators (Okinawa, 2011)
- Vortices, Nernst and Diamagnetism (GRC 2011)
- Quantum Oscillations in Topological Insulator (Toronto, 2009)
- High field state in graphene at N = 0 Landau Level (APS, 2009)
- Seminar on graphene and bismuth at very high fields (Princeton, 2008)
- Fate of the N=0 Landau level in graphene in high fields (St. Andrews 2007)
- Diagmagnetism and Vortex Liquid above Tc in cuprates (St. Andrews, 2005)
- The Anomalous Hall Effect and Berry phase (ISQM Tokyo 2005)
- Spin-mediated thermopower in sodium cobaltate (UCSC 2004)
Survey of research topics
- Phase transitions of Dirac electrons in bismuth
- Anomalous Hall effect in ferromagnets
- The Berry phase in solids
- Electrons on a triangular lattice: Na-doped cobalt oxide
- DNA is an insulator
- The extended phase diagram of cuprates (field-temperature-doping)
- Vortices above Tc in cuprates
- Detection of quasiparticles by thermal Hall effect
- Quasiparticles on a Dirac cone in a strong field
- Charge versus entropy current : A new way to get the Wiedemann-Franz ratio
- Phase Rigidity and the Josephson Plasma Resonance
- Melting of vortex lattice and collapse of shear modulus
- Geometric Hall Conductivity in 2D
- Sliding Charge Density Wave
Nuggets (simple descriptions of research topics)
- Quantum Go on a triangular lattice(2003)
- Dissipationless Hall current (2004)
- Torque magnetometry and supercurrent (2005)
- A very hard ferromagnet (2007)
- Superconductor CuxTiSe2 (2006)
- Phase transitions of Dirac electrons in bismuth (2008)
- QuantumOscillations in Topological Insulator Bi2Se2Te (2011)
- QuantumOscillations in TopologicalInsulator_in_45TeslaField(2012)
- UsingIonicLiquidGatingtoTuneFermiEnergy_Topological Insulator (2012)
- Crystal Growth of Topological Insulators (2012)
- NernstEffect_TopologicalCrystallineInsulator_PbSnSe (2013)
- UltrahighMobility_DiracSemimetal_Cd3As2(2015)
- HeatCapacity_TransverseIsingModelatQuantumCriticalPoint(2015)
- ThermalHallConductivity_NeutralExcitations inKagome and SpinLiquid Systems(2015)
- FirstObservationof_ChiralAnomaly_DiracSemimetal_Na3Bi (2015)