Wet dilution fridge (base temperature T ~ 20 mK) with a 14 T magnet and a dedicated He reliquefier

He cryostat with a 9 T magnet

Home-made thermal evaporator with two replaceable sources, an in-situ Ar plasma source, and an adjustable sample stage (tilting)

Nanofabrication processes are done at Princeton Micro/Nanofabrication Center (MNFC).

He cryostat with 14 T magnet and a dedicated He reliquefier

Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS) with a 14 T magnet

Customized sputterer with a load lock, two replaceable targets, and an in-situ Ar plasma source

High-end coffee machine for an afternoon boost

He cryostat with a 14 T magnet and a dedicated He reliquefier

Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS) with a 9 T magnet

Glove box for storing and mounting air-sensitive samples